Innovation | Leadership | Integrity
Linda Kreter is a serial entrepreneur, with five successful companies and deep experience from startup to sale. She specializes in adaptability and growth, sharing skills and capabilities to intentionally respond – not react – to life’s circumstances. Her lived experience with Durable People Thrive™ programs address human problems that may hinder individual progress: fear, uncertainty, self-awareness, values-based living, and especially clarity in communications. Durable people are those who not only bounce back, but who find themselves better for the experience. Perspective is inventive. She is available for training, coaching, and speaking in evaluating and improving communications, entrepreneurship, pandemic re-entry, resilience, staff development (onsite or virtual), and leadership and team building for multiple industry sectors — especially those with stressors such as high-conflict situations, separation, isolation, communication challenges, combat, and emotional wellbeing.
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